The Detroit Auto Show, officially named the North American International Auto Show, begins on January 9th and runs until January 22nd. This show is viewed as one of the most prestigious auto events in the world and for 2012 it will be featuring 53 vehicle debuts with 32 of those being worldwide introductions.
Join us as we bring you coverage of the show beginning January 9th and 10th during the press days. While at the show we will be posting videos, articles, as well as numerous photos. Be sure to check back often to our dedicated 2012 Detroit Auto show section. Since we will be posting videos only minutes after, we recommend subscribing to our RealWorldRoadTest YouTube channel. If you’re a subscriber to our newsletter, we will not be sending out a message for each of the articles posted in that section. Of course if you haven’t yet subscribed to the newletter, we recommend you do that.